The Schau der Besten in Verden is THE highlight in the German show scene and attracts over 3,000 visitors from more than 20 countries worldwide. Breeders and enthusiasts of the German Holstein and Red Holstein breeds will immediately find like-minded people at this event.
With about 185 TOP-class show cows in competition, a representative and informative offspring presentation as well for the highly valued lifetime performance class, framed by an extensive trade exhibition of renowned companies from the agricultural sector, Schau der Besten forms the heart of the show culture in the MASTERRIND breeding area.
50th Schau der Besten
There was little sign of the first tentative signs of spring on February 29, 2024 in the Niedersachsenhalle in Verden. The tension there was crackling, as a highlight of the Holstein breeding scene was taking place. The MASTERRIND Schau der Besten has been a magnet for visitors for five decades and this edition was no exception.
The 2,500 spectators and judge Marcel Egli from Switzerland were able to see the outstanding quality of the animals as soon as the first class of heifers entered the ring.
The "Miss Schau der Besten" from the last years
Miss Schau der Besten 2023
RS Maryrose EX-92
B: RS Strudthoff GbR, Dötlingen
Miss Schau der Besten 2022
Fux Seattle EX-97
B: Hahn/Radke Holsteins GbR, Eppendorf
Miss Schau der Besten 2020
Fux Seattle EX-97
B: Hahn/Radke Holsteins GbR, Eppendorf
Miss Schau der Besten 2019
Loh TJ Alessja EX-95
B: Lohmöller, Melbaum, Nosbisch & Blaise
Miss Schau der Besten 2018
Lady Gaga EX-97
B: Henrik Wille, Herbergen